Shinjuku Swan

Shinjuku Swan2007

A jobless and broke kid with a tarnished heart of gold ventures into the dirty underworld of Kabukicho, talent scouting for the cutthroat sex trade.

Genre:   Crime, Drama

Alternate Genre:   Crime TV Shows, Japanese TV Series, Social Issue TV Dramas, TV Dramas, TV Dramas based on Comics

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Audio:   Japanese

Year:   2007

Available From (?):   2021-05-06

Suitable for Age (?):   13+

Family Friendly:   No

Director(s):   Not Available

Actor(s):   Atsushi Fukazawa , Ayano Yamamoto , Eiki Kitamura , Haruna Yabuki , Kozo Takeda , Mihiro , Miwako Wagatsuma , Sho Nishino , Teruyuki Furukawa , Tomohisa Yuge , Toshimi Sugawara , Yosuke Kawamura , Yuma Asami