A renegade priest, a monkey king, a lecherous water sprite and a sympathetic demon team up to form an unlikely band of warriors.
Genre: Action, Anime
Alternate Genre: Action Anime, Anime based on Books, Anime Series, Japanese, Sci-Fi & Fantasy Anime, Shounen Anime, TV Shows based on Books, TV Shows based on Manga
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IMDB: {{imdb_rate}}/10
Metascore: {{metascore_rate}}/100
Audio: Japanese
Year: 2000
No. of Seasons (?): {{season_rate}}
Director(s): Not Available
Actor(s): Akira Ishida , Dai Matsumoto , Hiroaki Hirata , Hochu Otsuka , Kaoru Morota , Misa Watanabe , Soichiro Hoshi , Takashi Ishii , Takeshi Kusao , Toshihiko Seki , Toshiyuki Morikawa , Yuko Minaguchi