Lawless Lawyer
Seeking retribution for his mother's untimely death, a gangster-turned-lawyer exploits loopholes to bring down those in absolute power.
Genre: Crime, Thriller
Alternate Genre: Courtroom TV Shows, Crime TV Shows, K-dramas, TV Dramas, TV Thrillers
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IMDB: {{imdb_rate}}/10
Metascore: {{metascore_rate}}/100
Audio: Korean
Year: 2018
No. of Seasons (?): {{season_rate}}
Director(s): Not Available
Actor(s): An Nae-sang , Back Joo-hee , Choi Dae-hoon , Choi Min-soo , Kim Kwang-gyoo , Lee Han-wi , Lee Hye-yeong , Lee Joon-gi , Park Ho-san , Seo Yea-ji , Yeom Hye-ran