Totò Double or Nothing (Toto lascia o raddoppia?)

Totò Double or Nothing (Toto lascia o raddoppia?)1956

When a penniless aristocrat decides to appear on a TV game show to help his daughter, two gangsters take an interest in him and complications arise.

Genre:   Comedy

Alternate Genre:   Comedies, Italian Movies

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Audio:   Italian

Year:   1956

Duration:   1h35m

Available From (?):   2021-04-20

Suitable for Age (?):   13+

Family Friendly:   No

Director(s):   Camillo Mastrocinque

Actor(s):   Bruce Cabot , Carlo Croccolo , Dorian Gray , Edy Campagnoli , Elio Pandolfi , Gabriele Tinti , Gisella Monaldi , Luigi Pavese , Mike Bongiorno , Rosanna Schiaffino , Totò , Valeria Moriconi