This Is 40

This Is 402012

In this sequel to 'Knocked Up,' married couple Pete and Debbie wrestle with the realities of getting older and becoming middle-aged.

Genre:   Comedy, Romance

Alternate Genre:   Comedies, Romantic Comedies, Romantic Films

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Audio:   English

Year:   2012

Duration:   2h13m

Available From (?):   2015-04-14

Suitable for Age (?):   16+

Family Friendly:   No

Director(s):   Judd Apatow

Actor(s):   Albert Brooks , Annie Mumolo , Charlyne Yi , Chris O'Dowd , Graham Parker , Iris Apatow , Jason Segel , John Lithgow , Lena Dunham , Leslie Mann , Lisa Darr , Maude Apatow , Megan Fox , Melissa McCarthy , Michael Ian Black , Paul Rudd , Robert Smigel