The Case Against Ferro

The Case Against Ferro1976

When the photographer he loves is murdered, a reclusive detective is assigned to solve to the case one in which he becomes the chief suspect.

Genre:   Crime, Drama

Alternate Genre:   Classic Movies, Crime Movies, Dramas, French, Movies based on Books, Mysteries, Thriller Movies

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Audio:   French

Year:   1976

Duration:   2h6m

Available From (?):   2021-07-27

Suitable for Age (?):   16+

Family Friendly:   No

Director(s):   Alain Corneau

Actor(s):   Alice Reichen , Claude Bertrand , François Périer , Gabrielle Doulcet , Georges F. Dehlen , Mathieu Carriere , Serge Marquand , Simone Signoret , Yves Montand