The Bang Bang Club
In this unflinching drama, four combat photojournalists document the escalating turmoil engulfing South Africa during the final years of apartheid.
Genre: Drama, War
Alternate Genre: Canadian, Dramas, Films Based on Books, Films Based on Real Life, Military Films, Social Issue Dramas
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IMDB: {{imdb_rate}}/10
Metascore: {{metascore_rate}}/100
Audio: English
Year: 2010
Duration: 1h47m
Director(s): Steven Silver
Actor(s): Frank Rautenbach , Jessica Haines , Kgosi Mongake , Lika Berning , Malin Akerman , Neels Van Jaarsveld , Nina Milner , Russel Savadier , Ryan Phillippe , Taylor Kitsch