So Different (Så olika)

So Different (Så olika)2009

Two completely opposite sisters share common ground when each falls into a potential romance that conflicts with their successful careers.

Genre:   Drama, Romance

Alternate Genre:   Comedies, Dramas, Political Comedies, Romantic Comedies, Romantic Dramas, Romantic Movies, Swedish Movies

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Audio:   Swedish

Year:   2009

Duration:   1h44m

Available From (?):   2021-03-02

Suitable for Age (?):   13+

Family Friendly:   No

Director(s):   Helena Bergstrom

Actor(s):   Anna Ulrika Ericsson , Fredrik Ohlsson , Ingela Olsson , Johan Widerberg , Johannes Kuhnke , Nina Gunke , Philip Zanden , Rikard Wolff , Rolf Lassgard , Siw Malmkvist