

Poor but close-knit, the Shibatas steal to survive. Rescuing a young girl from her family puts them on a collision course with the rest of society.

Genre:   Crime, Drama

Alternate Genre:   Dramas, International Dramas, Japanese Movies, Social Issue Dramas

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Audio:   Japanese

Year:   2018

Duration:   2h1m

Available From (?):   2019-06-01

Suitable for Age (?):   16+

Family Friendly:   No

Director(s):   Hirokazu Koreeda

Actor(s):   Akira Emoto , Chizuru Ikewaki , Kairi Jyo , Kengo Kora , Kirin Kiki , Lily Franky , Mayu Matsuoka , Miyu Sasaki , Moemi Katayama , Naoto Ogata , Sakura Ando , Sosuke Ikematsu , Yoko Moriguchi , Yuki Yamada