Samotność w sieci
When an unhappily married woman meets a renowned scientist online, the two start to fall for each other as they exchange romantic emails.
Genre: Drama, Romance
Alternate Genre: Dramas, Movies based on Books, Polish, Romantic Movies
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IMDB: {{imdb_rate}}/10
Metascore: {{metascore_rate}}/100
Audio: Polish
Year: 2006
Duration: 2h3m
Director(s): Witold Adamek
Actor(s): Agata Meilute , Agnieszka Grochowska , Andrzej Chyra , Anna Dymna , Elzbieta Czyzewska , Jacek Borcuch , Jan Englert , Janusz L. Wisniewski , Kinga Preis , Magdalena Cielecka , Piotr Chodzen , Robin Gooch , Ruby Rosales , Szymon Bobrowski