Queen to Play (Joueuse)

Queen to Play (Joueuse)2009

When a hotel maid decides to hone her chess skills with help from a doctor who employs her services, she starts noticing big changes in her life.

Genre:   Drama

Alternate Genre:   Dramas, French, Movies based on Books

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Audio:   French

Year:   2009

Duration:   1h41m

Available From (?):   2021-06-08

Suitable for Age (?):   13+

Family Friendly:   No

Director(s):   Caroline Bottaro

Actor(s):   Alexandra Gentil , Alice Pol , Didier Ferrari , Dominic Gould , Elisabeth Vitali , Francis Renaud , Jennifer Beals , Kevin Kline , Laurence Colussi , Sandrine Bonnaire , Valérie Lagrange