Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind

Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind1984

Facing the destruction of her planet's natural resources, warrior princess Nausicaa rallies her people against an evil queen's rampaging army.

Genre:   Anime, Family

Alternate Genre:   Anime Features, Children & Family Movies, Classic Movies, Japanese Movies

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Audio:   Japanese

Year:   1984

Duration:   1h57m

Available From (?):   2020-03-01

Suitable for Age (?):   7+

Family Friendly:   Yes

Director(s):   Hayao Miyazaki

Actor(s):   Akiko Tsuboi , Bin Shimada , Chika Sakamoto , Goro Naya , Hisako Ayuhara , Hisako Kyoda , Hochu Otsuka , Ichiro Nagai , Iemasa Kayumi , Joji Yanami , Kohei Miyauchi , Mahito Tsujimura , Masako Sugaya , Miina Tominaga , Minoru Yada , Mugihito , Rihoko Yoshida , Shinji Nomura , Sumi Shimamoto , Takako Ohta , Takako Sasuga , Takeki Nakamura , Tarako , Tetsuo Mizutori , Yoji Matsuda , Yoshiko Sakakibara