Mälar Pirates (Mälarpirater)

Mälar Pirates (Mälarpirater)1923

A mischievous boy and his two companions steal a boat for a summer adventure on Lake Mälaren in this silent film adapted from Sigfrid Siwertz's comedy.

Genre:   Adventure, Comedy

Alternate Genre:   Action & Adventure, Adventures, Comedies, Dramas, Films Based on Books, Swedish Films

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Audio:   Swedish

Year:   1923

Duration:   1h38m

Available From (?):   2021-02-04

Suitable for Age (?):   13+

Family Friendly:   No

Director(s):   Gustaf Molander

Actor(s):   Albert Christiernsson , Einar Hanson , Georg Grönroos , Inga Tidblad , Nils Aréhn , Tekla Sjöblom , Tom Walter