Hit and Run

Hit and Run2012

Determined to get his fiancee to L.A. to take advantage of an amazing opportunity, Charlie breaks out of the witness protection program to drive her.

Genre:   Action, Comedy, Romance

Alternate Genre:   Action & Adventure, Action Comedies, Comedies, Crime Action & Adventure, Romantic Comedies, Romantic Films

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Audio:   English

Year:   2012

Duration:   1h39m

Available From (?):   2015-04-14

Suitable for Age (?):   18+

Family Friendly:   No

Director(s):   David Palmer , Dax Shepard

Actor(s):   Beau Bridges , Bradley Cooper , David Koechner , Dax Shepard , Jess Rowland , Joy Bryant , Kristen Bell , Kristin Chenoweth , Michael Rosenbaum , Ryan Hansen , Tom Arnold