Conflict: Saidai no Kousou VIII

Conflict: Saidai no Kousou VIII2019

A powerful shadow organization continues to eradicate the yakuza, forcing clans around the nation to propose a united alliance under Okita’s lead.

Genre:   Action

Alternate Genre:   Action & Adventure, Gangster Action & Adventure, Japanese

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Audio:   Japanese

Year:   2019

Duration:   1h6m

Available From (?):   2021-08-24

Suitable for Age (?):   13+

Family Friendly:   No

Director(s):   Kenichi Fujiwara

Actor(s):   Daigaku Sekine , Hiroyuki Konishi , Hitoshi Ozawa , Izam , Kentaro Shimazu , Shun Sugata , Shunsaku Kudo , Tetsu Watanabe , Yasukaze Motomiya , Yoshiyuki Yamaguchi