Alyosha Popovich

Alyosha Popovich2004

A cunning young hero teams up with a talking horse and several friends to save his town's fortune from a nefarious snake. Based on the classic fairytale.

Genre:   Animation, Family

Alternate Genre:   Children & Family Movies, Comedies, Russian

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Audio:   Russian

Year:   2004

Duration:   1h18m

Available From (?):   2021-06-28

Suitable for Age (?):   13+

Family Friendly:   Yes

Director(s):   Konstantin Bronzit

Actor(s):   Anatoliy Petrov , Dmitriy Vysotskiy , Ivan Krasko , Konstantin Bronzit , Liya Medvedeva , Mikhail Chernyak , Natalya Danilova , Oleg Kulikovich , Sergei Makovetsky , Tatyana Ivanova