1981 (The Year I Became a Liar)

1981 (The Year I Became a Liar)2009

After moving to a more affluent town with his family, an anxious 11-year-old tries to impress the popular kids by spinning an intricate web of lies.

Genre:   Comedy

Alternate Genre:   Canadian, Comedies, Independent Movies

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Audio:   Canadian French

Year:   2009

Duration:   1h42m

Available From (?):   2021-07-07

Suitable for Age (?):   13+

Family Friendly:   No

Director(s):   Ricardo Trogi

Actor(s):   Claudio Colangelo , Dany Bouchard , Élizabeth Adam , Gabriel Maille , Jean-Carl Boucher , Léo Caron , Marjolaine Lemieux , Pierre Mailloux , Sandrine Bisson , Simone Chevalot